The Superleague and Qatar

Soccer was stolen from us years ago and turned into a gigantic corporate business meant to make the rich richer and push the poor away. 4th place teams from the rich countries were allowed to participate in the ironically named Champions League, while the actual champions from poor European countries were consistently pushed away from it. The prices of tickets were meant to attract the rich, sterile fans and push away the passionate ones who made soccer the most beautiful and popular game in the world. Players from the rich teams are being paid millions per month, while many regular people have to work two or three jobs to feed their family and pay rent, or worse, are starving and sick without access to basic healthcare. Kids/parents are required to pay in order to play for youth teams. Clubs paying for a player the amount that can be used to build a hospital or a couple of schools. We can go on and on.
The recent outrage and protest of soccer fans, squashing a coup organized by soccer mobsters attempting to take power from other soccer mobsters shows how strong we are when we are united. Now, the big question: Why so many – fans, players with a conscience, and soccer officials with a backbone – ARE STILL QUIET ABOUT THE SLAUGHTERFEST AND MODERN DAY SLAVERY IN QATAR? From a humanitarian point of view, the atrocities that are BEING ALLOWED to happen there are infinitely worse than anything that’s been done to what used to be the beautiful game.